How to Dream Longer: How to Stay in the Dream as Long as You Want!

(Psst… Check out my latest post about “Lucid Dreaming Without Trying“!)

Now that I’ve given you some tips on how to remember your dreams and how to know if you’re dreaming, you’re starting to get a grasp of the basic skills needed for lucid dreaming. In fact, if you were to start to apply those two techniques right now, you are practically guaranteed to have at least one spontaneous lucid dream. Congratulations!

What happens for the Continue reading How to Dream Longer: How to Stay in the Dream as Long as You Want!

My first lucid dream

Here is a brief re-telling of my first lucid dream. I want you to see how easy it is to wake up from being too excited.
I am standing in my old bedroom in my mother’s house I lived in until I was 15. I see a rustling in my bed, and look over at it, and my wife pops out form under the covers and invites me into bed. I would normally go 😉 but something doesn’t Continue reading My first lucid dream

How to know if you’re dreaming

Now that you’ve learned how to remember your dreams more, it’s time to tackle another vital aspect of Lucid Dreaming: How to know if you’re dreaming.

Reality Checking is the conscious act of determining if you are dreaming or awake. There are several methods of reality checks. In reality (pun intended), however, the basic function of reality checking is to notice something out of place or something that doesn’t seem quite right, and use this as proof that you are in a dream. Continue reading How to know if you’re dreaming