Experimenting with Lucid Dreaming

There is a lot of potential with experimentation in Lucid Dreaming. I’m coming up with a list of ideas I’d like to add to my “to do” of LD experiments.

The main one that sticks out in my mind is experimenting with Shared Lucid Dreaming. I think that if two or more people could get into a mutual lucid experience, it would open up the floodgates of potential for even more ideas. And it just sounds flat out COOL to me.

I am interested to know what sorts of experiments you’d like to try out when the time comes.

Let me know with a comment.

Share your Lucid Dream experiences!

I’ve decided that I would like open up my blog a bit to allow other Lucid Dreamers to share Lucid Dream experiences.

I’m a huge fan of Darren Rowse’s Group Writing Projects over at ProBlogger, so I’d like to do something similiar here.

The major reason I’d like to do this is that Lucid Dreaming is recognized by a surprisingly small but growing group of people. I think this could be a really interesting opportunity to help expand the awareness of Lucid Dreaming more into the mainstream.

So, without further ado, submit your entry, according to the following guidelines:

Continue reading Share your Lucid Dream experiences!

What is lucid dreaming GOOD for?

What’s the point to all of it? What can lucid dreaming be USED for once a certain level of masters is achieved?

The short answer is “anything”. The long answer is “Whatever you can come up with.” You can do anything you want. In a lucid dream, you are the God of your dreamworld. You are in control, whether or not you’re able to exert conscious control yet. You are still the one making the whole thing up. Continue reading What is lucid dreaming GOOD for?