The Future of Lucid Dreaming

Darren Rowse, in his latest group writing project, put out a call for bloggers to offer reviews and predictions for the coming year. My prediction is about Lucid Dreaming.

Having been actively blogging in the Lucid Dreaming niche now since November 25th, I am already seeing something interesting. Continue reading The Future of Lucid Dreaming

My latest lucid dream (just this morning!)

I decided to take a nap this morning, after doing some general “stat-checking” and overall maintenance on this blog, and my other one.

As usual, had no trouble falling asleep. Before I know it, I’m walking around in the inside of some huge office building that is rather sterile looking. windowless, whitewalls. At one point, I see a girl I used to have a WAY MAJOR crush on, in junior school. I’ll call her “A”, since I haven’t seen her in years, and I’m not certain she’d want to have her real name published here.

Anyway, “A” is standing outside one of the many offices, and this one seems to be the only one that has any people in it. She is standing at a desk that is outside the office. I walk up to her, and say “Wow, ‘A’! Is that you? I haven’t seen you in years! How have you been?” Continue reading My latest lucid dream (just this morning!)

Experimenting with Lucid Dreaming

There is a lot of potential with experimentation in Lucid Dreaming. I’m coming up with a list of ideas I’d like to add to my “to do” of LD experiments.

The main one that sticks out in my mind is experimenting with Shared Lucid Dreaming. I think that if two or more people could get into a mutual lucid experience, it would open up the floodgates of potential for even more ideas. And it just sounds flat out COOL to me.

I am interested to know what sorts of experiments you’d like to try out when the time comes.

Let me know with a comment.