Use Lucid Dreaming to Step Up Your Game

Picture yourself at the starting line, ready to take of at the crack of the starter’s pistol. You may notice all the sensations in your body as your muscles are geared up. You might also notice how crisp the morning air smells. Your gaze if focused straight ahead at the finish line. The goal. The Carrot.


You are off running. You are in a close 2nd place as you are rocketing toward the finish line. You are paying particular attention to the signals your body is giving you. Your muscles start screaming subtly for more air, so you adjust your breathing rhythm to match. Suddenly, before you know it, you are the leader of the pack. And sooner than you can realize, you are over the finish line, breaking the outstretched tape. You win.

In this post, I’ll be discussing how you can use Lucid Dreaming to enhance performance in just about any area of life.

As we look into how we can do this, I’ll first explain how my urge for writing this post came about.

A few years ago, I came across a Wikipedia article on Deep Trance Identification (DTI), sometimes referred to as Deep Trance Modeling (DTM). This is basically being put into a hypnotic trance and then having your unconscious mind recall everything you have ever known about a person you might want to gain more insight into. After the unconscious mind does this, you can then “step into” that person and experience awareness through that person’s eyes.

I began to wonder if this would be possible while in a Lucid Dream. The dream state is, after all, essentially the same as being in a hypnotic trance. The dream state, like the hypnotic trance, is the deepest and fullest connection we can have with the unconscious mind.

So, I began to wonder if I could use lucid dreaming to do the equivalent of DTI/DTM.

Which brings us to the “how”.

For the purposes of this, I’ll be assuming that you are now able to Stay in a Lucid Dream as long as you want, and Control the Dream. If not, check out my posts under “Basics of Lucid Dreaming” in the sidebar.

So, try this. Let’s assume you’re thinking about asking for a raise at work. You may be anxious about how to approach your boss and ask. So, next time you are in a lucid dream, create the dream setting to be at work, just outside your boss’s office. Tell your mind that your boss is in the office. Make sure to tell your mind that the character of your boss is the best, most accurate model of your boss that your mind can conjure up.

Knock. Go in, and point blank ask for the raise. The worst that can happen is your “boss” can say no. If your boss says no, don’t take that as an answer.  Ask, “What do I have to do or say to you to make you want to give me a raise”?

What this does is that your mind, using your mental model of your boss, will give the most logical answers it can muster up.

The key here is to refine your model by interaction in the real world. I know it may sound difficult, but honestly, the unconscious mind registers and stores millions, if not billions, of bits of information that never even makes it into conscious awareness.

So, when you at work (real world), go to your boss and say or do whatever the dream boss said to say or do. Don’t worry so much about remembering everything that is said. Obviously, you’ll want to pay attention to what is said, but do so as you would any other conversation. Keep the unconscious mind free to register everything else, which is what it does best.

Then, next time you are in a lucid dream, repeat the process, and see if anything different comes up that you should pay attention to.

Of course, it goes without saying that if your boss gives you the raise the first time, then there’s no need to repeat the process!

The beauty of this technique is that it can work for just about anything. Is there a special someone you want to connect with at a deeper level, or even someone you WANT to be your special someone? Get into a Lucid Dream and ask how.

Are you a race car driver wishing to cut down on your lap times? Grieving and wanting to communicate with a lost loved one? Programmer wanting learn from some of the coding legends? Are you a marketer wanting to get the best of Seth Godin’s knowledge? A blogger wanting to create a blog the likes of The Green Geek or Scott Lee? The examples for this are limitless. Let me know in comments what your ideas are.

4 thoughts on “Use Lucid Dreaming to Step Up Your Game”

  1. Wonderful things are possible in lucid dreams, and on some occasions they can seem more real than real.

    However some of the experiences I have had whilst dreaming are not as pleasant – the ability to understand lucid dreaming can certainly help though. I think it is good to be aware of all the realms of the mind. A lot goes on whilst we sleep; and on occasion I have found that other *things* can enter our dreams too…

  2. Yup, this stuff works, its just like the good old visualizations and affirmations but on steroids, making it 1000X stronger.

    I like the way you describe it, keep on with the good work 🙂

    I’ll be coming here more often.

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